Doodstream 😩

English Go to the English Version

Ah… dood, dood, dood. Este server vino al rescate cuando stramsb murió. En sus inicios tenia pocos ads y me parecia justo, un poco de ads por hostear los videos, todo perfecto. Pero actualmente tiene ads en los ads, es un puto asco. Es imposible bajar algo tranquilamente.
¿El motivo porque la mayoria de videos siguen ahi? Bueno, como dije, en su momento los subi ahí y aun continuan, no he podido moverlos a otro server menos molesto por desgracia. Dicho eso, ¿por que incluso los posts nuevos están en ese host?, no solo subo yo, sube alguien mas a esta web y ese alguien inisiste en usar dood, de momento no tiene pensado modificar los antiguos (a tiempo de publicacion de este post) pero en los posts futuros pondrá un host diferente que también tiene ads pero ni la mitad de dood. Con eso dicho, espero que entiendan el porque algunos videos tienen este host que actualmente es tan molesto.


Spanish Ir a la version en Español

Ah… dood, dood, dood. This server came to the rescue when stramsb died. In the beginning it had few ads and I thought it was fair, a few ads for hosting the videos, everything was fine. But now it has ads in the ads, it’s fucking disgusting. It’s impossible to download anything calmly.
The reason why most of the videos are still there? Well, like I said, I uploaded them there at the time and they are still there, I haven’t been able to move them to another less annoying server unfortunately. That said, why are even the new posts on that host? It’s not just me who uploads, someone else uploads to this site and that someone insists on using dood, at the moment they don’t plan on modifying the old ones (at the time of publishing this post) but in future posts they will put a different host that also has ads but not half as much as dood. With that said, I hope you understand why some videos have this host that is currently so annoying.


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